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Jan. 2021: Happy Year of the Ox! Digitalization Inspires Netspring Children’s Confidence for the Future!

The year of the Ox, which symbolizes strength, persistence and courage, is upcoming! We wish you happiness and prosperity for the New Year of the Ox!
In 2020, Netspring accelerated digital education and developed distance teaching during the pandemic, and provided distance support to the students and their teachers.
Looking ahead to 2021, continously facing challenging conditions, we will unite with our partners to further innovate.
Those Warm Moments in the Winter Season - Cisco Volunteers contributed abundant books to Netspring children!
The cold winter wind whistled, but in a Shanghai Netspring Green IT classroom, the children felt the warm love from Cisco volunteers, with the New Year "Love ♥ Book" gift packs. Co-organized by Netpring team, volunteers enthusiastically collected unwanted and new books as New Year giveaways. A total of more than 1,200 books were contributed. On December 30, 2020, by -3 ℃, Cisco Shanghai volunteers delivered the first batch to children of a Shanghai migrant school. The children sang "Listen to me thank you" to volunteers, because of you, love is always in my heart, this winter is no longer cold.
“We are grateful to Cisco and Netspring for their great support and help, we are also deeply moved by the Cisco volunteers who come to the school remotely every time to teach our students coding classes, that our kids find easy to understand and interesting."
_Principal of Shanghai Migrant School
"Every time when I come to school, I'm particularly touched by the eyes of the students, because they are eager to learn, which gives our volunteers a great sense of mission to teach them coding. Hope our coding classes could plant a seed in children's minds, inspiring them to learn more knowledge and advanced technology in the future, also we wish our children can learn joyfully!"
_Volunteer of Cisco Shanghai

The Netspring Children's Digital Art Competition Achieved a Great Success

The Netspring children's digital art competition held during the 2020 Franco-Chinese Month of the Environment achieved a great success. We received more than 200 artworks from 6 migrant schools. It featured "biodiversity" and environmental protection from the children’s viewpoints.
The award ceremony was held in Taicang migrant school in Dec. 2020. The Principal and 40 students who participated in the art competition joined the event, it enlightened the public awareness of environmental protection. We’d also like to special thank the Canadian music Group Open Strum for sharing a musical moment with its title 1775.

Keep Going - Sincere Thanks to all our Supporters’ Generous Contribution of Used IT Equipment

We would like to thank all our supporters who contributed their used computers and electronic equipment to Netspring Green IT Programs in the past years. Netspring will recycle the collections and refurbish the reusable items to build Green IT classrooms in schools and communities in need. Any unusable items will be disposed in an environmental-friendly way.
Think and Act Green Anytime
Do you have old computers or unwanted e-waste of all sorts*?
Don't simply discard them!
With Netspring, you can make them at good use for schools and communities in need and help protecting the environment and reduce the carbon footprint.
Wish to know more, support or learn about volunteering opportunities?
please contact us
Phone: +86 (21) 6510 9063
* except mercury-containing fluorescent tube